Updates on Red Alert

Updates on Red Alert


We are sharing the petition – SAUVONS LA CAMARGUE, LA CRAU, LES ALPILLES ET LA TERRE D’ARGENCE – concerning the construction of a 400,000-volt high-voltage transmission line proposed to pass through the regions of Bouches-du-Rhône and Gard. We, alongside Residents and environmental advocates, are raising objections due to potential negative impacts on the region’s local environment, health, and visual aesthetics. 

By signing the petition, you can oppose the project and urge decision-makers to consider alternative solutions that minimize environmental damage and health risks. 

Sign the petition here


In the news

A few months ago, the Mediterranean Alliance and its partners raised concerns about the hashtag Vlora Airport, which the Bern Convention and the EU are urging to be suspended to comply with international conventions. Recent amendments to the law on protected areas appear to be closely linked to new infrastructure development projects on the pristine coastline. Read the interview with Joni Vorpsi from the Protection and Preservation of Natural Environment in Albania (PPNEA) to learn more.

Legal Proceedings Against Vlora Airport Construction in Protected Vjosa Narta Area

June 18th marked the beginning of a significant legal debate about reducing the protected Vjosa Narta area to build the Vlora Airport. This lawsuit, initiated by the Albanian Ornithological Society (AOS) and other environmental organizations, challenges decisions made by the Council of Ministers and the National Council of the Territory. These groups argue that the decisions violate several environmental laws and national conventions.

The plaintiffs contend that the decision to reduce the protected area was made to facilitate airport construction, prioritizing tourism development over environmental integrity. They emphasized that other less damaging airport locations were available but were not considered.

During the hearing, state representatives struggled to justify reducing the protected area. They eventually admitted that the area was removed from protection to build the airport, not because it lacked ecological value. They requested additional time to provide more detailed information.

The court is set to reconvene on July 10, and it will hear from expert biologists and a GIS specialist to assess the proposed airport’s environmental impact further.

As the lawsuit progresses, the AOS and other NGOs continue to campaign vigorously to protect the Vjosa Narta area, highlighting the need for a balance between development and environmental conservation.

For further information, please contact Elisa Tuaillon

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